Talk:Hosting providers and the Galaxytool when you read the Therms of use:
he most important rules are: 1. No adult content or any kind. 2. No warez / hacking / phishing sites 3. No mass mailers / spammers (account will be automatically suspended if you will try to send mass mail), so if your software supports such feature, disable it right now. 4. We do not allow any public image or file hosting server scripts to be run. 5. Chat, proxy, or file download scripts are not allowed. 6. Paid-to-surf, auto-surm, buxto, and any other similar scripts are banned 7. We do not allow online gaming scripts such as ogame, mafia, etc.. 8. Nulled software such as ip.board or vbulletin is not allowed to be hosted 9. Account cannot be used only to store files.
i set up the galaxytool, it was ca 10 min working, than: Canceled for Abuse and my account was deactivated :((
I opened an account with the hosting five months ago. It worked well till June, when the account was disabled without any notice. I reported the problem to the support service and got the following answer:
The account has been disabled due to rules violation (a browser game). You can contact DMC for the further information.
Original answer from support(DE):
das Konto wurde wegen AGB-Versto? (Browsergame) deaktiviert, fur
weitere Infos kontaktiere bitte DMC