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From Galaxytool wiki
The current version of ogame (0.76) won't work with the galaxytool (3.52) if you do not change some files: fix instructions
What is the Galaxytool ?
The Galaxytool is a stand-alone tool for Ogame ©. It allows players or alliances to create and manage an image of their universe.
With this tool they can get information which ogame does not give them directly.
A list of some search capabilities:
* search for alliance tags * search for playernames * search only planets with moon * search only planets with notices * search only planets with espionage reports * search only planets for colonisation from position X to position Y * restrictions for galaxy or systems * only show entries which are newer / older than a specific date * only show entries which have more than X metal, Y crystal or Z of both in its debris field * capability to choose the sort order * search for player status - inactive, banned or vacation mode * search for players in the top X (score or fleet) * parameter to select how many entries should be shown on each site * mark alliances as enemy, friend, wing ally and many more * update your data with the firefox toolbar * sort the statistics as you like * integrated registration process * get a new password with email if you lost it (needs email support at your webserver) * detailed user information to show who is very busy or who is sharing his account * shoutbox for internal communication * and many more ...