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Join us in IRC

If you find any problems, please visit our channel:

#galaxietool on -- if you already have an IRC Client installed, try this Link.

For even easier access to IRC, use this Link. (no Java needed, loads quickly). The client has a built-in translation feature. if you don't speak english/german, you should consider using it.

Please remember: The helpers you can find there are unpaid volunteers who enjoy helping you. Still, we can't be available around the clock. So please ask a question (so we know someone is there who needs attention), but keep in mind that it could take some time for someone to actually notice your request - this could possibly be even a few hours. Also note that most of the people hanging out there are from Germany and as such early evening in CET might be your best chance to actually find someone to be available.

What is the Galaxytool?

The Galaxytool is a multilingual, stand-alone tool for the browser-based MMO OGame ©.

Galaxytool allows players or alliances to create and manage a map of their universe and store reports/statistics/notes on various aspects of the game. With this tool you can get information which OGame does not give you directly by actively updating your galaxytool.

A List of some Galaxytool Features

It is possible to store:

  • Galaxyviews
  • Player and Alliance statistics
  • Espionage reports (several per planet/moon)
  • own planet data (also Empire View)
  • Phalanx reports and own Fleet movements
  • Player activities from: Espionage actions, Ingame Messages, Combat Reports, Alliance Page, Galaxyviews and manual insertions
  • Combat Reports (CR overviews)
  • Ingame Messages

You can search all those information, e.g.:

  • Search for alliance members by searching an alliance tag
  • Search for all planets of a given playername
  • Limit searches by:
    • Moons Only
    • User Notes Only
    • Planets with stored espionage reports
    • Blank Planet Locations for Colonization (Limit by galaxy as well as planet slots)
    • Date of last update (newer as well as older)
    • Resource amount in stored espionage reports
    • Stored large debris fields
    • Statistics (points/research/fleet)
    • Inactives


  • Mark alliances/players as enemies/friends/ally/wing
  • Sort the data into useful information by choosing how it is displayed
  • Easy to keep up to date with the available Firefox plugin.
  • View information in graph form to easily process point distribution.
  • Integration of Speedsim/Dragosim
  • and much more!

Is this tool rule-consistent?

Have a look at Legality.