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View Galaxy

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Revision as of 21:49, 4 April 2011 by Omar Hawk (talk | contribs)
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The galaxy view is a possibility to "walk" through the systems without making search requests.

You will get information about players, alliances, planetnames, moons and moonsize, debris field size, notices and reports.

If there are fleets flying from ot to that position, a Spaceship right small.png icon is shown behind the planet name.

Available notices are shown with the following symbol Notice.gif. If there is no notice for this coordinates, this picture is shown No notice.gif. If you move your mouse over a notice, you will see the notice text. If there is no notice, you can create one by clicking on that picture.

Available espionage reports are shown by this picture Spio.gif. If there is no report, you will get this picture No spio.gif. If you move your mouse over the report icon, you will see the report content.

Report popup.jpg

If there are reports for moon and planet, you will see two pictures. The right picture is for the moon and the left for the planet.

If you move the mouse over the playername, you will see additional information about the players ranks. If you click the playername, you will be forwarded to the Playerinformation page.

Behind alliances the alliance name the number of members and the alliance rank is shown. If you click on the allyname, you will be forwarded to the Alliance information page.

If you have chosen a galaxy and system and go to another part of the tool (e.g. user management) and return to the galaxy view, you will get the old system as default. So the tool "stores" the last system you viewed until you log in again.

You can mark players or alliances so that they get a special color to indicate your status towards them. To give a new status you got to go to the player/alliance statistics and change the status there (requires special permission: diplomatic).

If there are enough reports available you can see which moons can phalanx the selected system or which planets could send Interplanetary missiles to the selected system. If you move the mouse over these coordinates, you can see the corresponding report.

If you move your mouse over the moonsize, you will get a small popup where you can calculate the chances to destroy this moon.

Moon destroy.jpg