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User information

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Here you can find all the information you want about your users.

The status of a player can be email, admin or active. With email the user needs to complete his registration by visiting the link in his registration email. If you as an admin or user with usermanagement permission want to confirm the registration without the user having to validate their email address (or because your webhosting plan has no mail capabilities), simply click on email to grant permission to log in anyway.

With admin the registration was completed and needs an activation by an admin. After activation don't forget to give the new user his permissions.

In any case users will receive an email confirming that their account is "active" as soon as you activate their account here.



At "Player information 2", you can see, who is really active and does a lot, to keep the Galaxytool up to date:


Here, you can see, who has entered how much systems of each galaxy of your universe:

Entered systems.png

Finally, there is also a list of IPs. The IP of the user is saved each time he/she logs in.
