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Toolbar usage v2.1

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GTP Settings


There is room for up to 5 universes through the plugin.

You have to fill in the server of your universe in the "Ogame Servername" field. You can get the server address by right-clicking on the "overview" link at OGame and choose "copy link location". You will get an address like this: (german Uni 15).

Now you remove the "http://" and everything from "/game" to the end. That's your server address: 

you have to fill in the first column.

In the "Galaxytool URL" field you need to fill in the path to the galaxyplugin.php of the corresponding galaxytool. Normally the file galaxyplugin.php is stored at the secret folder of your galaxytool. That file receives the information from the toolbar and its URL must be inserted at the URL textfield. You need to fill in the complete path, e.g. The admin can delete the file if he does not want the usage of the toolbar. He can also rename the file, so nobody knows the URL except authorized users. So if you are not sure ask your admin what the URL is to the required file.

Your link should look like that, with the /secret/galaxyplugin.php.

The "Username" and "Password" fields should be filled in with your Galaxytool username/password.

Also, the universe field should fill itself on upon your first login to ogame with the toolbar 2.0 enabled.

Save the data by clicking "ok".

Now your toolbar is ready to use!

If the data was sent successfully the status of the toolbar changes to show what you have updated.

The status information and all texts of the toolbar are only available in english but you can use them with every OGame language! It works with english as well as with french, spanish...

Important: Your browser needs to load the pages (stats or galaxy view) completely! Otherwise the script won't start and the information will not be sent to the galaxytool.

Updating Galaxies

To upload galaxy data to your Galaxy, just view the Galaxy. Pay special attention to your status window within ogame.

Upon viewing the galaxyview has finished loading completely you should see:

Gtp u1.jpg

Once it says the information is updated, you're ready to change views.

Gtp u2.jpg

Updating Statistics

Updating statistics is done much like updating galaxies, upon viewing the statistics, you will see they're found, and that they've finished updating.

Gtp u3.jpg

Gtp u4.jpg

Uploading Espionage Reports

One of the new features of the plugin is the ability to automatically upload your espionage reports.

Please make sure you don't have the truncated view option selected in your ogame options for this to work.

Upon clicking on "Messages" in your ogame menu, the reports should be uploaded automatically, and you should receive a status update.

Gtp u5.jpg

Disabling Automatic Espionage Report Upload

You may enable/disable automatic uploading of espionage reports via the Galaxyplugin options in the

Gtp options.png

Manual uploading of espionage reports

To upload espionage reports with automatic report uploading disabled, you may right click on your browser window and choose to manually upload your reports. Please note that you must of course be on your messages window for this function to work.


Redesign universes

In the current version for redesign universes this is the only possibility to upload espionage reports via Firefox Extension. Automatic Transmission has been disabled for performance reasons. Make sure, that you enabled in your ogame account the option to show full espionage reports.

Enable debugging functionality

Sometimes it is helpful to activate the debug printout to allow developer or supporter to analyze the problem. In this case you need to activate the debugging at your toolbar options.


After that you can view every page as usual but you will get a lot more information.


Please remove your password from the printout if you submit those information to anybody.

Don't try to copy & paste the entire text into any IRC Channel. Instead use submit your debug info and forward the link to your paste on to whoever is helping you.

Browser Extension (Toolbar)
Installation FirefoxUsage Firefox

Installation ChromeUsage Chrome
